The Essentials: Top 5 Surfing Items Every Surfer Must Have

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surfer girl walking to the ocean to surf with slater design board under her arm

A surfing experience proves more enjoyable and safe if you have the right accessories. Of course, you cannot surf without having a surfboard, but there are other items you need to spruce up your experience. The various surfing accessories are designed to suit the individual needs of the surfers. It is important that you familiarise yourself with the various surfing equipment and accessories brands before you start shopping. 

As a beginner, you want to ensure you have proper surfing accessories to help upgrade your outdoor adventure and make your surf sessions memorable. 

Here are five surfing essentials you should have before you go surfing:

1. Surfboard

You need to get a surfboard under your feet to surf. It’s the most important equipment you will need to buy. If you are purchasing your first boards, it may seem a little complicated, however, with a few surfing board buying tips, you can be sure to get the right board. A general rule is that the bigger your board, the more stable it is in the waters. Look for a board that offers enough volume to allow you to easily stand up and catch waves. If you’re a beginner, you want to choose surfboard made from polystyrene and epoxy covering because they tend to offer a good balance between price and durability. 

Surfboards come in all shapes and sizes. Common types of boards include:

  • Shortboards – for fast, steep waves
  • Fish boards – flat and wide for fast snappy turns
  • Funboards – wide, stable and easy to manoeuver for beginners 
  • Longboards – easy to paddle and catch waves on for beginners 
  • Hybrid boards – tend to have more volume for larger experienced surfers 
  • Gun boards – tend to have a narrow nose and offer speed and control for experienced surfers 
  • Sup boards – wide and designed so you can stand up while paddling

2. Board cover

Among the surfing items, you want to have a board cover. It helps you protect your board. Look for good surfboard cover designs with extra padding within the nose and tail and added layers of protection. You also want to consider covers with shock-absorbing foam. Having a board cover allows you to transport your board safety without risking damaging it. 

3. Wetsuit

A wetsuit is an essential surfing gear. When buying one, you should ensure it fits you properly so that you enjoy your surfing experience. Consider the cut of the wetsuit and remember that the pockets of air within the suit get filled with water making you somehow feel uncomfortable, slosh around annoyingly, cool you down, and weigh you down.  Also, you need to know what wetsuits tend to be 100 per cent memory foam (closed-cell foam neoprene). It’s best to try a few on in a reputable store before purchasing, that way you can get a good understanding of the look and feel you want. 

4. Changing mat

A changing mat helps you easily change your wetsuit. You don’t want your feet to leave traces of sand on the wetsuit when you are putting it on, so a mat proves handy if you want to avoid that. Ensure you choose a durable changing mat that is waterproof. Again, ensure that the mat is able to stand any kind of surface from rough concrete to fine-grain sand.  

5. Leashes

A leash is not only important for beginner surfers but also the experienced ones. This crucial piece of gear ensures you don’t lose your board when surfing big waves. Make sure you look for double padded ankle straps to provide you with additional comfort. Your leash should also be durable and should offer additional strength as well as flexibility within your leg rope. 

Surf’s up, it’s time to hit the waves 

If you’re going to enjoy your surfing experience and ensure you are safe, you need to consider following surfing tips including purchasing the right surf gadgets. Once you have a handle on your gear, choosing a top location to learn to surf will improve your skills and techniques from day one. Costa Rica offers a connotation of sand, the sun, and beaches making it an ideal spot for surfing experiences.

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